So here I am. I discovered blogs less than a year ago and now have a number of them that I read on a regular basis. It is amazing how technology can change your life! This time last year I used the computer at school to create newsletters and the occasional worksheet. Then TDaddy got me a laptop.
What more can I say... I now am able to check my emails whenever I want to (well, whenever I have a wireless connection anyway). And I have to admit that that is one of the main reasons why I wanted my own laptop. To not have to fight for time online with TDaddy and Tgirl! Now that I have it, not only do I check email a minimum of once a day, but I've discovered blogs and podcasts ("friends" all around the world!), put the children to sleep every night using the iTunes on my laptop, and am constantly looking things up, or playing games to earn Tgirl more money for her Webkinz, etc...
Then for Christmas, TDaddy gave me a Palm Pilot - well, he gave it to me near the end of December so that I could stay orgainized during the holiday season. More technology!!
I was always a bit resistant to technological ways of doing things. I love books. I love paper. I thought that I was more a tactile kind of person who needed to touch and feel things for them to seem truly real (outside of matters of faith). Now, I think it is safe to say that I am officially hooked on technology. If you took my laptop, wireless connection or Palm away from me I am pretty sure that I would go into withdrawl. Withdrawl from things that, while I certainly knew exsisted, were not major parts of my life at all just 8 short months ago.
Now here I am starting a blog. I have always thought that blogging looked like a fun thing to do.
...Can I maintain a blog consistently with out letting it take over all of my free time? We shall see!
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