Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: leftover Swedish meatballs
Tuesday: taco cornbread bake
Wednesday: crockpot turkey breast
Thursday: squash and sausage cassarole
Friday: turkey divan
Saturday: baked focaccia sandwich
Sunday: pizza

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Whoops! I missed Monday! Between starting summer, which makes the days of the week blend together a bit, and Tgirl, TDaddy, and I all being sick (AGAIN!!) at the end of last week and over the weekend, my sense of time has been a bit discombobulated.

Anyway, here is the menu plan for this week:

Monday: crock pot lasagna
Tuesday: Swedish meatballs
Wednesday:Chicken and Rice Taco Fiesta
Thursday: meatball sub sandwiches
Friday and Saturday: TDaddy and I are going away for a couple of nights to celebrate our 15th anniversary! :) The kids will be staying with my mom. :) Hooray for grandparents!!
Sunday: Father's Day celebration at my parent's house - I'm not yet sure what I will be bringing

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Boy, the Next Iron Chef

So while his sister was sick in bed, Tboy and I decided to make banana bread. Because as he said, it is his favorite. We had so much fun!

He did a great job. Tboy stood on a chair in the kitchen and showed me which measuring spoons to use, pouring everything in the bowl after I measured it. He did all the mixing (with the exception of me doing a final mix to make sure all the ingredients were incorporated off the bottom of the bowl). And amidst all of this, didn't spill a bit.

He was so cute in his apron, a full Winnie the Pooh apron. We talked about tying it on as a half apron, "like real chefs," but he decided it was more important to protect Woody and Buzz on his Toy Story Tshirt. When it was time to check the bread in the oven he had to put the apron on again, this time folded over like a half apron. He was so cute I had to take a picture of him. As I was getting the camera out and turning it on he stood there with his fists on his hips, a serious expression on his face. But when I went to take the picture, he wouldn't put his fists back on his hips because, "Mama, I'm not a REAL Iron Chef yet!"

Has he been watching too much Food Network?

Thursday, June 17, 2010


So it is the first real day of summer vacation. Father's Day is only a couple of days away.

I had a fun day planned. We were going to run some errands getting the Father's Day presents and supplies for making presents that we need. Then we were going to Grandma's house to make our presents and run around in the backyard (the kids, not me). Then this afternoon I was going to head over to the gym and get all signed up.

Why, you may ask, am I writing in past tense?

Because none of it happened.

Tgirl is sick again. Fever this time. Thankfully, her tummy isn't too upset, she isn't really eating, but she isn't throwing up at all. At last check, she was at 102.3.


So we said at home. We put off the plans for the day until tomorrow. She is in bed, calling me every few minutes or so. Until I gave her the portable DVD player.

I've done some cleaning, not a great deal, but a little. And Grandma came over and chatted for a while. But it isn't what I had planned for the day and I am feeling a bit frustrated. Especially as it is nearly dinner time and she isn't feeling any better.

And then,

TDaddy came home early from work and headed straight to bed. Not feeling well.

So it is the boy and I holding out against the germs.

What are our chances do you suppose? Sharing a single bathroom and our usable, germ free space shrinking.


Working on my attitude.

It could be much worse. At least these are just common germs. Nothing really serious. And at least no one is throwing up right now. That is a very good thing!

Perhaps they will both be feeling well in the morning?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

I have to admit that I have not been great about sticking to the meal plan the last few weeks. Between the illness, the end of the school year, and the little heat waves I have made the plan each week and then haven't gotten to the grocery store so ended up eating out of the pantry and freezer quite a bit. Sometimes this worked with the plan, sometimes not so much.

But, today, I am feeling a bit like Old Mother Hubbard as my cupboards are rather bare. And not just the cupboards. We are running out of everything from laundry soap to toothpaste, to paper towels, to dish soap, to jam and peanut butter, to hand soap, to milk. Hmmm, I see a soap trend going on here. If I don't get to the store soon, I am going to have one dirty family! :)

Well, here is the plan for the week. I am hoping to stick to it! :)

Monday: easy Hot Pockets and broccoli (will grocery shop after work so I need something quick and easy for the kids while I am busy putting everything away)
Tuesday: french toast sandwiches
Wednesday: chicken salad in pita pockets
Thursday: hash browns, eggs, fruit, and toast
Friday: crock pot lasagna
Saturday: burritos in enchilada sauce
Sunday: out for dinner for Father's Day :) Yeah for TDaddy!!!

School's Out!


I am working in the classroom this week to close things down and do end of year analysis, but no more students. And while the kids are in daycare this week, we aren't super pressed for time in the morning which is wonderful!!

One of my tasks for this week is to fill out the summer calendar. I have the basics in place, VBS, swim lessons, library reading program, summer 'home school,' I'm joining a gym. Now I need to fill in with playdates, field trips, cleaning, and organizing.

I can't wait! :)

Do you have any plans for the summer?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Illness and Mommy Guilt


We did such a good job as a family avoiding germs this winter. TDaddy and I each got one severe cold that knocked us out completely for a day and a half. The kids got a couple of random, minor colds. But for the most part, we stayed well.

But the last couple of weeks... different story. Flu, croup, head colds, fever, flu again. I think I am cleaning things pretty well as while they are alternating being sick, they aren't getting the same sicknesses. And I am thankful that they are taking turns getting sick (one at the beginning of each week for the last 4 weeks now), it is easier to take care of them, but it stretches things out so much longer.

I don't know if the weird weather this year is playing into it, winter pretty much stayed with us until this last Saturday and then suddenly it was summer weather!

Anyway, poor Tgirl is the one currently out of commission. She woke up at 5 this morning and has been throwing up off and on ever since. Thankfully, Papa was able to come over and stay with her today while Tdaddy and I were at work. I felt horribly guilty not being there for her to hold her poor little head, but just couldn't see being able to stay home today on the last regular day of school.

So I made her a nest in the living room, left out plenty of plastic bags to line her little trash can, and left her with Papa. I went to school, collecting and inspecting textbooks, having 5th grade graduation practice, and feeling horribly guilty.

Menu Plan Monday

We are in the final stretch! This is the last week students are here at school. I have another week of work after that, but we are closing in on the finish line. :)

Monday: spaghetti with broccoli and garlic bread
Tuesday: baked salmon, mashed potatoes, and corn
Wednesday: chicken salad in pita pockets
Thursday: fast food on the run (last tball practice and ballet)
Friday: pizza and green salad
Saturday: tball pizza and swim party after the last game of the season
Sunday: birthday party at a science museum

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

As if all of the May/June Madness were not enough, Tboy is battling croup. We have successfully lived through 3 nights of it, so hopefully we only have 1 or 2 more to go. Since it started Sunday night, I was very grateful for the Memorial Day holiday from school. We didn't spend it as planned, but I only had to take one day off to be with my boy and his fever and daytime cough yesterday. TDaddy is with him today, and Grandma always has him on Thursday and Friday so we are set! :)

So, this is a belated Monday Menu Plan as it is already Wednesday, but my sleep deprived brain just couldn't handle it before today.

Monday: pizza and green salad
Tuesday: tilapia tacos, corn and rice
Wednesday: hash browns, eggs, fruit, and toast
Thursday: fast food on the run (tball practice and ballet)
Friday: tortellini, beans, and green salad
Saturday: hamburgers and hot dogs from the fundraiser for the local school district's athletic program
Sunday: dinner at Grandma's